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Your product selection from J4 Cattle Company

Eighth - Quarter - Half - Whole Beef Shares

$5.75 per pound

We will go over a cut sheet with you to ensure you get the desired product mix. Price is determined by hanging carcass weight.

Pasture Raised

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About J4 Cattle Company

J4 Cattle Company is a beef cattle farm located in Morganton, NC, between Asheville and Charlotte. We’re proud to offer 21 Day Dry-Aged Beef direct from our farm to your table. Our cattle are raised on pasture and finished on pasture with a supplemented raw barley diet. J4 Cattle Company does not administer any growth hormones and works closely with a Federally inspected USDA facility located in NC for all processing.


J4 Cattle Company
147 Shadowline Dr.
Morganton, NC 28655

More products from J4 Cattle Company

Eighth - Quarter - Half - Whole Beef Shares

$5.75 per pound

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We will go over a cut sheet with you to ensure you get the desired product mix. Price is determined by hanging carcass weight.

Pasture Raised

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